Thursday, June 9, 2011

Season 3 Predictions: Steven R. McQueen Thinks Jeremy Cheers up, Candice Accola Says Caroline Finds Love

Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network, LLC
Jeremy refuses to stay put and wait for Bonnie and Caroline. Bad call.
Save the date, fangs! While in London, three TVD cast members — Kat Graham (Bonnie), Candice Accola (Caroline), and Steven R. McQueen(Jeremy) — revealed a prospective Season 3 premiere date: Thursday, September 8.

Obvi that’s big news, but that’s not all the supernatural stars had to say. Spoilers were taboo, but the actors did kick around some ideas about what their characters will be up to next season, including Jeremy’s new, um, skill and Caroline’s rollercoaster of romances.

First off, Steven R. McQueen chatted about the shocker of the season finale: Jeremy is a ghost whisperer. McQueen thinks that creepy curveball could actually be good for Elena’s little bro! “It'll probably help pull him out of the dark a little bit, where he's had this fear and has been wanting to protect Bonnie and his sister and his aunt, who, again, he unfortunately couldn't,” he says. “It'll be interesting to see if that kind of lightens him up a little bit — like death isn't the end, that there can be new beginnings from that.” Whoa, does this spell the end of Jer’s emo ‘tude?

How will this “I see dead people” thing go over with girlfriend Bonnie? McQueen says he doesn’t think it will pose an issue for the friends-turned-lovers.  "I don't see them pulling apart at any time soon,” he says. “I see things hopefully growing stronger."

And when it comes to ripening romance, Caroline is another character who will most likely pick a partner in Season 3. But who will it be: mortal Matt or hunky (and sometimes hairy) Tyler? Candice says "there's still a chance for either character … I don't think that it's defined yet. Caroline and Matt had that kind of first love, and then Caroline and Tyler had a love that's been built out of friendship, so it's coming from a different foundation. So who knows?"

Well, no surprise there. We’re getting pretty used to that “Who knows?” attitude when it comes to TVD!

Check out the rest of the interview to hear Kat Graham’s thoughts on the addiction that is The Vampire Diaries!

Source: AOL

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